For the past 30 years, KAPA has developed everyday products. Whether for yourself or your home, our products participate to improve well being and living comfort. In doing so we have always imposed on ourselves the strictest standards to ensure product performance, safety and efficiency. Our mission is also to make these products available, phyisically and economically, to the greatest number to improve comfort, confidence and hygiene.
Acccording to a survery undertaken by the French institute Ifop in 2021, one year in the sanitary, economical and social crisis, hygienic precarity has become a systemic issue in France. Due to lack of ressources, 3 million French men and women do not purchase and use basic personal hygiene products. This is particularly impacting the younger, under 25 , segment of the population where one in 10 claim to no purchase some products due to lack of funds. This may have an impact on their health, but more commonly this negatively affects social interactions . May it be at work, in class or just in everyday lives, lack of personal hygiene products reduces social inclusion. According to this study, individual’s self esteem is hindered which leads to less social involvment.
Through this article, we wanted to bring attention the French initiative #tousunispourlhygiene – instigated by Dons Solidaires – an NPO working to make manufacturers’ surplus stock meet local charitable organisations.
On this same topic, we wish to acknowledge the positive steps that have been taken recently by the French government – making personal hygiene more accessible to those in need.
1,7 million French women state that they lack money to buy personal hygiene products. As much as 8% of the entire French population claim missing « often or occasionally » of sanitary protections.
Tuesday February 23rd, the French Higher Education minister, announces new mesures to fight against menstrual precarity amongst young women – particularly impact by the social consequences of the Covid outbreak. As from next September, sanitary protections will be distributed to students. Over 1500 dispensers will be installed throughout high schools and universities in France. The minister underlined that this products would be ‘respectful of the environment’. This is similar to other recent European projects – in Scotland for example.
We strive to support this movement, increasing accessibility of personal hygiene products – offering innovative products, in line with consumer requirements and meant – balancing function, performance, pleasure and accessibility – to all segments of populations.